Port Update

I’d promised an update about the work moving Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind to more platforms, but I just realized it was only via Twitter. So here’s the official note, from our publishing partner Kitfox Games:

Six Ages Steam Release Delayed
Greetings riders!

Six Ages is more than a myth or a legend — it’s going to be playable on Steam (hopefully)… but not as quickly as we’d initially planned.

Unfortunately, the original programmer we contracted in the summer didn’t work out, and although he had to visit the emergency room a couple of times, he’s thankfully recovering now. But we have had to re-start the porting process with a new porting partner.

We’re happy to be working with Rusto Games, a small outfit in Finland (three cheers for Finland!) who are big fans of King of Dragon Pass and Six Ages, which makes us big fans of them in turn.

We aren’t sure exactly what the new release date is, but we’re hoping to hit desktops (PC and Mac) spring or summer 2019. You’ll be the first to know when we have more details. In the meantime, David and the team has been making lots of bugfixes, so it will be the most polished release of the game it can be.

Thanks for your patience and support!

Victoria, Tanya, and the Kitfox clan

As they point out, the silver lining is that this gives us more time to find and fix weird edge case bugs (such as two random events occurring in a specific order and timing).

Rusto Games has made significant progress, so I think we’re still on target for our promised date (see our FAQ): 2019.

In the mean time, please wishlist the game on Steam, which helps get us visibility for next year’s launch.

Author: David

Creator of Six Ages and King of Dragon Pass

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